For as long as I have been making art I have had a passion for finding, collecting and hoarding things that no-one else seems to want.
Sometimes these fascinating objects even make their way into my artwork
I know that I am far from alone in this curious pursuit of collecting other people's rubbish and incorporating it into my creations. When I studied sculpture we were positively encouraged to take time out to visit the local scrap yard to collect materials and inspiration. I have many happy memories of digging around muddy junk piles for treasures to use. Here is something I made after one of those visits...
![](,+Spine+Window,+1993,+plaster+&+found+glass,+54+x54+x6cm.JPG) |
Juliet D Collins, Spine Window, plaster & found window |
Of course, it is not just artists that do it, in fact here in Australia it actually feels like something of a national past-time. It's so ingrained that there exists a whole informal culture around the easy and free recycling of unwanted stuff via "The nature strip" (for non-Australians: the area of grass between the road and the pavement where one places ones junk and passers by kindly remove it for their own use or simply to hoard)
![](,+Exposed+II+(drawing)%2C%2Bmixed%2Bmedia.JPG) |
mixed media drawing with found lace, 2014 |
![](,+Doiley+Spine,2014,+hessian,+preloved+crochet+doilies,+thread,42+x+83cm.JPG) |
Found Doiley spine with reused jute shopping bags |
But why, oh why? (my husband cries with dismay as yet another valuable storage area gets filled with useless objects for future art projects)
For me, the process of making art is inextricably entwined with found objects. These found elements are a vital part of my creative journey whether I am making sculpture, drawing, or textile work.
The object, whatever it is, forms an intrinsic part of the creation of the piece from inspiration,through design and even,or perhaps especially, informing my choice of technique and medium. That journey is unique with each piece.
![](,+Fragile+Strength,+thread+freehand+embroidered,+brass+pins,+vintage+cheesebox,+42+x+10cm.JPG) |
"Fragile Strength", machine embroidered spine in a found vintage cheese box |
So... I am really excited to be offering kids JUNK SCULPTURE workshops here in Melbourne these kids school holidays!
I have been happily hoarding all kinds of fascinating bits n bobs, trash and junk that would normally be thrown away and have planned a fun packed few hours for kids of all ages to learn some tips & tricks and unleash their creativity with junk!
For more info and bookings head over to